Go to https://insight.ramblers.org.uk
You will see an orange Ramblers Insight Hub Log in, notice the Don't remember your password at the bottom of the box.
Check you are using the right email?
You need to use the email which has been set up on the Insight Hub or you will not be able to log in. When we told you about the Insight Hub we emailed you - this is the email you need to use.
To reset your password
Put in your email address and then click on Don't remember your password at the bottom of the box.
You will see a Reset your password box, click on SEND EMAIL
You will see a green message at the top of the orange box telling you a reset email has been sent.
Go to your emails and you should find one from Ramblers Insight Hub with the title Reset your password. Go into the email and click on Confirm.
You can now change your password, put your new password in twice then click on the white arrow at the bottom of the box. You will receive confirmation that your password has been changed.
Go back to the Log in box and put in your email and new password, you will then be taken into the Insight Hub.