
What are my rights on a public right of way?

Your legal right is to “pass and repass along the way”. You can also stop to rest, take in the view, or consume refreshments as long as you stay on the path and do not cause an obstruction. You can also take a “natural accompaniment” with you such as a pram, pushchair or dog. 

You can legally take a manual or powered wheelchair (mobility scooter) provided you follow the regulations for taking these vehicles on ordinary roads. However, there is no guarantee that the surface of the path will be suitable for pushchairs and wheelchairs. Further information for people with limited mobility or wheelchair users can be found here  

If you take a dog with you it should also stick to the path and you should take care when walking through fields with livestock. Note that there is no requirement for stiles to be suitable for use by dogs. For further information on walking with your dogs have a look at the Dog Walking Code.  

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